Web Resources

Third Millennium Ministries | High-quality, multimedia seminary courses from excellent professors, and all for free! The curriculum is steadily being expanded, so continue to check back.

Desiring God | Started by John Piper, this ministry has a significant number of its resources translated into Chinese.

China Christian Books | This website has a fairly large selection of historic creeds and confessions, along with Christian and Reformed classics.

9Marks | This site is focused largely on the church, providing resources and articles for related issues. There’s a Chinese section to the site, with some resources offered.

The Gospel Coalition | TGC is a broadly Reformed network of churches. Among the other offerings on this site is a list of resources, including some in Chinese. Most of these are repeats of those offered at desiringgod.org, but there are a few others as well.

Zanmeishi.com | Extensive website with Chinese worship songs.